Students can score marks ranging from 0 to 100 in Maths. Some students say it is very easy and for others the most difficult subject. Maths is not like other subjects since it doesn’t have any theory but it is about logical reasoning and analytical skills. Due to this some of the students stay away from Maths. However, if the students do regular practice and understand and apply the formula based on the problem, it helps them to crack the exam. Scoring good or full marks in Maths will not happen overnight which requires regular practice and understanding of the problems. Hence, Maths is considered one of the highest-scoring subjects in Class 10 which helps them to increase the overall score. Students will identify the ways of getting full marks in Mathematics for Class 10 in the board exam. Students should follow the tips and tricks strictly to understand the maths easily which results to get good marks in the exam.
Identify Syllabus, paper pattern, and improvement area:
Students must understand the syllabus and mark distribution before starting the preparation. Also, students must know the weightage of each chapter. From this students should be able to find the weak topics. Based on these factors, students will be able to prepare a study plan correctly. It is the first and foremost advice for the students to prepare for the exam.
Class 10 Maths divided into 7 chapters for Term I and II and its marks distribution:
Number Systems – 6 marks
Algebra – 20 marks
Coordinate Geometry – 6 marks
Geometry – 15 marks
Trigonometry – 12 marks
Mensuration – 10 marks
Statistics and probability – 11 marks
Number systems:
Real numbers – Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic and decimal representation of rational numbers.
Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, and Arithmetic Progressions.
Coordinate Geometry:
Lines In two dimensions – Concepts of coordinate geometry, graphs of linear equations, Distance formula, and Section formula (internal division).
Triangles, Circles, and Constructions.
Introduction to Trigonometry, Trigonometric Identities, and Heights and Distances for Angle of elevation, Angle of Depression
Areas Related to Circles and Surface Areas and Volumes
Statistics and Probabilities:
Statistic – Mean, median, and mode of grouped data and Probability.
Thorough understanding of the chapter and solve all exercises:
NCERT Class 10 book Maths should be studied clearly to understand the problems. This book contains solved and unsolved problems for each chapter. After a clear understanding of the concepts, students should try to understand the solved problems for each chapter. Students will try to move gradually to the practice questions and solve them as much as possible by themselves. This way helps the students to get deeply into Maths. You can refer to other books as well including RS Aggarwal Solutions for CBSE Class 10, RD Sharma, and more.
Ways to revise the concepts:
While understanding the problems, students should take notes for all the concepts’ formulas, theories, and important points. Revise them whenever possible to remember the solutions to the problems easily. Also, it is very useful to revise the concepts quickly before the exam.
Solving the sample and previous year’s papers to get good marks in Class 10 Maths:
Students must solve the sample and previous year’s papers to get to know the paper pattern and weightage of the concepts in Maths. Also, students should get the best clarity of the strengths and weak areas which makes the students work on the improvement area. If the students solve the papers regularly then their confidence level of the subject and time management skills should be increased. So students should try to solve more papers to get full marks in the Class 10 Maths.
Detailed answers should be given:
While understanding the problems, students must give special attention to the steps that helped to reach out to get the answer. If the students want to get full marks then they should write the steps in solving the problems in the answer sheet during the exam. Mostly, steps will secure some marks in the problems.
Students should draw the graphs and figures to secure good marks which require a ruler and sharpened pencil in Maths. Overall, students should ensure the answer sheet is neat and clean to secure full marks in the Maths.
Ensure speed and accuracy of the problems:
If the students solve and practice more papers then they will be able to provide the solution for each problem quickly which results in saving time during the exam. Students should start to solve problems that are easy for them because they can be solved quickly. Also, students make sure to have the accuracy of the solution provided problems. When solving the sample and previous papers, their confidence level will be increased which helps to solve the problems easily during the exam. In this way, students should get full marks in Class 10 CBSE Maths.
Tips during the exam:
Students must follow the tips and tricks provided below to get good marks in Class 10 Maths.
Before the students start writing the answers for the questions, they should read the question paper clearly to understand the question to answer during the exam.
Students should provide solutions for all the problems which are identified by themselves as easy in the exam. Then they will move further on the complex questions.
Students shouldn’t write the direct answer in Maths. Instead, they should give solutions for each problem with detailed steps. Because sometimes the steps will get marks. So it is important to study all the steps while preparing for the exam.
Graphs and figures should be written carefully on the answer sheet during the exam. Students should use a ruler and sharpened pencil for drawing them.
Exams play an important role in a student’s life and it makes them feel nervous for the exam. However, if the students prepare well for the exam then there is nothing to worry about. Once the students have a well versed and in-depth understanding of the concepts then they should be able to solve any problems whether it is easy or complex during the exam.