When looking for a time tracking software, there would be no denying the fact that you would be able to find plenty of options at your disposal. Amongst them, the top two contenders would be Hubstaff time tracking software and Time Doctor. Since both of them would be considered to be one of the finest time tracking software that you would be able to get for your money, it would be normal to be confused about which one you should go for. The situation would be particularly intensified because both of them seem to have similar features and have been designed for the same market.
It would be for this reason that we have taken the time out to conduct a comparison between the two. One thing that you should keep in mind would be that these reasons would be completely independent. The main motive behind this post would be to give you a detailed comparison so that you would be able to make the decision on your own. So without further ado, let us get started.
Hubstaff time tracking software
- In Hubstaff, you would be able to find the feature of managing several organizations in a simultaneous manner. Each one would seem to have its own projects and employees. As such, billings would also be done separately for each organization
- Hubstaff would be available for all major operating platforms such as Windows, Mac, etc. However, you would not find it to be compatible with Android operating systems
- Hubstaff would not be able to support tasks on its own. You would need to install task management separately with your project management applications
- The screenshot view in Hubtsaff would allow you to view all the screenshots which have been taken in one particular day, for a particular project, along with all the employees that have been involved in it. To comply with privacy concerns, you would also be able to blur information
- Hubstaff time tracking software would be able to give you details regarding which application an employee had used during a particular day
- Hubstaff would be able to give you reports about which websites your employees would have visited while working on their projects. These details would include the title of the web page, time, URL, and what project it would be related to
- You would have the ability to track the GPS of your team. Even though this feature would only be available in the beta version, additional setup would be required
- Hubstaff time tracking software provides the feature of inviting clients to see progress from the eyes of a business owner. Certain rights could be given for particular projects so clients would only be able to see that
Time Doctor
- You would only have the ability to work with only one company and all the clients that it services. Each of your users and projects would be displayed accordingly
- Time Doctor would be available for all major operating platforms, Android being included amongst them
- Task management function would be included which would mean that you would be able to dedicate your time to a particular task and then organize the required activities
- Time Doctor would be able to show you all the screenshots that have been taken, by filtering them with different options. You would also be able to download all the images
- Time Doctor would be able to display the list of applications which employees had used. You would also be able to export all these
- Time Doctor would also be able to give you reports regarding which websites have been visited by employees during a given time period. It would also allow you the option of exporting all these details. The only drawback is that it would only show the total time and domain name
- The mobile application of Time Doctor would record the GPS coordinates of employees during a given time and for a specific task
- You would be able to create a client portal where clients would be able to log in and see the work that would be done on their projects