At one side where web development is getting difficult every passing year. On the other hand, there are applications like WordPress, Joomla and others making the website development work pretty easy. But what if you would like to build a website from scratch and without using any web applications like WordPress or any other? Well, then we are here to help you out.
In this article, I am going to talk about End-to-End Web Development Basics. So you can create a website without hitting your head too much and by learning the right languages.
So let’s just head into the topic without wasting much of the time:
End-to-End Web Development Basics
First of all, let’s divide web development into two parts. These parts are the Front end development and backend development.
Now the question what these two parts stand for? Well, let me answer the question for you.
Front End Development
Front end development or you can say client sided development is referred to the website design. And how the users connect with the website. In this development sector, we use languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create web pages that the users can interact with.
You probably already know about HTML, the most basic language to create web pages. However, if you want to add designs to the website like colors, text animations or any other thing. Then you will need to start learning CSS. Also, if you want to introduce different features to your website. Then you will need to use JavaScript.
These are the only three languages that you will need to learn while developing the front end of the website.
Backend Development
Talking about backend development, well it is a huge topic itself. In the backend you make the website interact with the database, prepare the website for some of the advanced tasks and so on. For example, if you want to make an app where people would register and store their data. Then you will need to go for backend development.
At one side where frontend only offers a website a nice design, but in order to make the website interact with data’s, you will need to get started with the backend.
However, backend development is not only limited to a few languages. Instead, there are quite a lot of languages that you can use for backend development. However, some of the most popular languages are PHP, Node JS, Python Frameworks, Java and so on.
But if you are looking for something easy to get started with, then you can try out Python’s web frameworks like Flask and Django. As they are quite easy to get started with and they readable code format.
One of the most widely used languages is PHP. Using it you can do most ofthe jobs.There are different software companies that use PHP to create websites, for example, Vironit software company. But, the thing about PHP is that it can go really messy when handling big data. But for small websites, PHP is just fine. You got idea here video presentation designer.