There are so many web hosting providers as well as various web hosting plans available in the online market. You need to figure it out which one is the best suitable for your business. The types of hosting are shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, dedicated hosting, etc. In that dedicated hosting is different from the other mentioned types of hosting. If your website is carrying a huge amount of traffic and accordingly you need heavy resources, then dedicated hosting will be an ideal solution for you.
The dedicated server hosting not only serves you greater power but also boosts the performance of your website at the next level. There are various advantages of dedicated hosting such as speed, large bandwidth, huge storage space, etc. The dedicated server hosting provides you with full root access through which flexibility and control could be possible in order to manage your server, the way you want to. Moreover, if you host your website by using dedicated hosting then it will perform far better than average with fast loading speed, less downtime, and an overall more positive user experience. The only thing is that a dedicated server hosting generally costs more as compared to shared hosting, VPS hosting, etc. In that only one account is assigned to one server and that’s why it is more expensive.
There are various hosting companies out there in the online market which serve the web hosting services such as shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, etc. at an affordable price point. MilesWeb is one of the best leading web hosting companies in the market that serves the most reliable and reasonable web hosting services to the customers. In addition to this, the leading web hosting company provides the best in class dedicated servers in India with 99.95% uptime guarantee. The web hosting company’s dedicated hosting solutions are totally flexible and scalable so if you’re unaware of the technical specifications, then no need to worry, the technical team will surely take care of the same.
The best in class features of dedicated hosting offered by MilesWeb are as follows:
- Powerful Servers
- Host Unlimited Websites
- Operating System
- Control Panel
- SSH Root Access
- Dedicated IP
- Datacenter Choice
- Server Management
- Service Level Agreement
- Hardware RAID
- High Performance
- No Setup Fee or Contract
The leading web hosting company provides un-managed and managed dedicated hosting in India and US. By default, the web hosting company’s cheap dedicated server India hosting plans are unmanaged. It is mainly targeted to the clients having hands-on experience of managing a dedicated server. And that is one of the main reasons the company provides limited assistance with un-managed dedicated server plans.
The features of un-managed dedicated server hosting are as follows:
- Re-installing the OS.
- rDNS setup.
- Control panel installation if license purchased from MilesWeb.
- Hardware and Network related issues.
- Initial Dedicated server hosting setup.
Apart from the mentioned details of un-managed dedicated server hosting, if you want to purchase the managed dedicated hosting from MilesWeb then that is also possible. In fact, their experts will properly manage Linux dedicated server and secure your website as well as all your necessary data within a stipulated time period. To take the managed Linux dedicated hosting service from MilesWeb, all you have to do is, simply choose server management service add-on at the time of sign-up. Their dedicated experts will be available 24×7 to manage your Linux dedicated server hosting and provide best in class services at the lowest prices.
The list of features of a managed dedicated server hosting offered by MilesWeb is as follows:
- Dedicated hosting server setup
- Control panel installation and configuration
- Third-party software installation
- Linux security and hardening
- CMS and Web application installation
- CSF Firewall installation and configuration
- Optimizing web server and fine-tuning
- Database optimization
- Network fine tuning
- Server performance fine tuning
- Security optimization
- Kernel patch updates
- Malware, virus detection, and protection
- Installation of security patches and updates s
- Spam protection
- Database and Website security
- Protect against server black listing
- Malware removal
- Dedicated performance optimization
- Dedicated migration
- Re-installing the OS
- rDNS setup
- Hardware and network related issues
- Unlimited ticket, chat and phone support
Also, the company serves the hybrid dedicated server hosting. This is a new type of dedicated server hosting that offers both the power of the orthodox dedicated server and the scalability of the cloud server. The hybrid dedicated servers are much more powerful, high specification servers that are divided into larger chunks using virtualization technology.
So the final verdict is if you’re looking for a web hosting company, especially for the dedicated server hosting then simply join MilesWeb for the same.