Since the IT sector is developing extremely fast, developers are expected to master a number of technologies. It is quite obvious that there are different specialists like backend developers, frontend developers, game developers, web developers and many others. However, there are some technologies that every developer should know and may be useful for all representatives of the IT sector.
What does web technology mean?
This term is frequently used nowadays although not everyone understands its meaning. People communicate using words and sentences, computers can’t do so. Web technologies enable computers to communicate using particular multimedia packages and markup languages.
In this article you will find 3 best technologies that every developer should know to be hired by such prestigious companies as DataArt. So, here we go!
1. Cloud
Cloud services become more and more popular with each other day. There are a lot of Cloud providers like Google Cloud, AWS, Azure and many others. No matter which one you prefer, it is a great idea to spend some time and energy on learning these technologies. Why? Simply because they will give you a range of appealing opportunities.
Cloud services enable developers to spin up web servers, scale databases or perform functions which trigger an API for settling down a number of issues. The opportunities are really manyfold. You should choose your Cloud provider in accordance with your preferences. Among the biggest ones are Google Cloud Computing, Azure, and AWS.
2. Frameworks for web development
Thanks to development frameworks, a specialist can avoid doing some mundane operations and start working on serious processes. There are a lot of sophisticated web technologies built for creating high-quality web apps. Below you will get acquainted with a few of them.
This application enables the development of front-end apps without applying to other frameworks. Code generation, MVC architecture, templates and many other features can be easily accessed with the help of Angular. This tool is one of the most popular ones and you can easily find training guides and instructions on how to use it.
Ruby on Rails
It is another popular tool for making the development process quicker and easier. Ruby on Rails has a number of unique features. Among which the ability to reuse the code. Among the most popular websites created with the help of this framework are, 500px, Basecamp, and many others. If you’re considering using Ruby on Rails for your web development project, it may be beneficial to hire a dedicated RoR development team who are well-versed in the framework to ensure that your project is completed efficiently and effectively.
It is another popular framework for web app development. Built in the PHP language it can boast of many sophisticated tools for application testing. It makes the debugging process fast and convenient.
Meteor JS
Thanks to this framework you can build a real-time app for a number of platforms. It is considered to be one of the most popular tools for developing simple sites for personal use. Among the Meteor JS advantages is that the loading time of a webpage is much shorter. Thanks to JavaScript basis, this framework requires fewer lines of programming code.
This tool is the best one for those developers who need to build an application and APIs at a very limited period of time. Web applications Express is a minimalist and flexible web framework for Node.js applications that provides a great deal of features for mobile and web applications.
Zend framework is based on PHP. It provides developers with the capability of building more reliable and secure applications. Currently, this tool isn’t as popular as its open-source analogues, but it is still developing extremely fast. It is considered to be the best framework for developing PHP based applications.
It is another example of a PHP based framework. Unlike other tools this one is frequently used for developing small websites. Laravel can boast of many advantages that include specialized libraries, database integration, MVC support and many others. This framework enables numerous operations and transactions.
- Visual studio code
The third most popular web technology nowadays is visual studio code. Since developers may be called computer writers, they need specific tools to satisfy their professional requirements.
Thanks to a great, functional programmer’s editor, specialists are capable of writing high-quality codes and spend less time on this process. Nowadays, Visual studio code is considered to be one of the most popular code editors for developing web platforms.
If you master such a tool, you will enhance the quality of your product and its functionality. In other words, you will be able to spend your time more efficiently and get more pleasure from the process itself.
Drawing conclusions
All in all, every developer should know that to be a professional developer a person must keep abreast of the times and make use of existing web technologies. If you are interested in developing your own website or app, but lack appropriate knowledge, just visit and let top level specialists satisfy your most sophisticated demands.