There are over 1.5 billion websites, with 220 million of them active and running.
So saying that we’re drowning in websites is an understatement, and with a majority of them looking rough, it’s just a miserable existence for everyone involved.
Don’t do that to your website or your users.
Check out these four elements to see what makes a good website and thank us later.
1. The User Is King
That goes without saying.
Usability is an essential attribute that can make or break your website.
By integrating intuitive design, which can be done by enlisting the help of a great web design company, you get to have a website with the right sort of images and dimensions that are pleasing to the eye.
Add to that some straight-to-the-point navigation, and your users won’t have a rough time trying to reach specific pages of your website.
Another important point that tends to get lost in the white noise is loading speed.
Your website’s loading speed needs to be as fast as you can make it in order to limit the time your user needs to spend in frustration, waiting for your website to load.
Personalized Is Best
After perfecting the platform for your user’s ultimate convenience and comfort, the next step is integrating a personalized experience for each user.
By providing a personalized user experience design, you’re reaching out to your users in hopes of creating a connection and nurturing your user’s brand loyalty.
2. Killer Content
After planning to treat your users like royalty, you have to complete the cycle by providing extraordinary content.
Websites that provide useful information that fits their users’ wants and provide an added value has been proven to be more successful with higher web traffic than their boring brethren.
Try going for video and images instead of text as much as you can, and keep an eye on new technologies like integrating social media marketing strategies and customized landing pages into your website’s layout.
3. Responsive Design
With a design focused on the user, making it responsive is the natural next step.
Integrating a responsive design is becoming more common as the importance of having mobile-friendly websites soars.
With predictions of 75% of internet users accessing the web only through their phones by 2025, it’s becoming not only an added perk but a must for a successful website to have.
4. Minimalism Is Here to Stay
Minimalistic designs for websites is taking things back to the basics with clean-cut lines and simpler designs.
Websites with higher traffic are now sprouting what is called “Flat Designs“, which use two-dimensional images, combines them with open spaces and a bold color palette.
Furthermore, a characteristic of flat design is ghost buttons and untraditional navigation menus.
Ghost buttons mesh in with the background, providing a cleaner look that fits well with a flat design.
That’s What Makes a Good Website
Now that you know all about the top four elements of what makes a good website, you’re ready to integrate them into your current website for higher traffic numbers and attracting new users.
And the learning never ends! So make sure you learn more about setting up SSL certificates for your servers, and much more from our technology section.