In Morristown, discrimination at workplaces is a real issue that many people grapple with. In an effort to address this problem, the Morristown Human Relations Commission created a survey that was distributed to citizens in the community. This survey revealed that eighty-seven percent of respondents had been discriminated against at their workplace for reasons such as race or sexual orientation. This is not to say that all workplaces in Morristown have this issue, but it is a problem nonetheless.
People are often discriminated against at their jobs in Morristown based on their age, gender, disability, or race. Some may not even know that this happens because it is more of an under-the-radar type of discrimination. One type of discrimination that people may not be aware of is when employers do not give the same benefits to men and women with the same job title. However, you don’t always have to face these types of discrimination at workplaces all by yourself. You can hire a Morristown employment attorney for legal assistance and fight against discrimination for the protection of your rights.
Let us now see the most common types of discrimination at workplaces reported in Morristown.
- Ethnic discrimination
Many believe that discrimination is a thing of the past. Some people still live with the effects of discrimination, even in this day and age. One place where discrimination still exists is the workplace. While it may not be as blatantly obvious as it was decades ago, many people still experience discrimination on the job based on their ethnicity or cultural background. Some may feel they can’t speak up for fear of losing their jobs.
- Gender discrimination
Gender discrimination has been a problem in the workplace for many years. However, it has only recently come to light in the past few years when people started to speak up about their experience with discrimination in the workplace. Some of this discrimination is subtle, even unintentional, but it still persists and can have long-term consequences on its victims.
- Age discrimination
Age discrimination is an issue that has been around for decades. Still, it can be difficult to pinpoint who is discriminating against whom. Many people are shocked to find out the percentage of the elderly population who are unemployed. This is because there are so many other factors that can go into this decision, such as experience and skills.