When the Bee Gees sang “It’s only words, and words are all I have”, they weren’t talking about these words. Because when it comes to bagging yourself a position in one of the firms at the top of the list of IT companies in Bangalore, some things are better left unsaid. When you’re applying and interviewing for a job , the words you choose to express yourself can have a huge impact on the success of your application. That’s why we’ve got you a list of dos and don’ts so that you know what to say (and more importantly, what not to) during your job search in Bangalore.
Don’t get too personal
These days we all know certain questions that a potential employer is likely to ask. So, when you’re rehearsing those answers, remember to keep it professional. Your employer doesn’t need an overload of information about your personal life. Even if your hiring manager asks more questions to see if you’re a good fit for the company, you don’t need to give personal details. Instead steer the conversation back to your attributes and the qualities that make you a good fit for the job. Remember to give any potentially controversial subjects like religion or politics a wide bar too.
Skip the negatives
No matter the reality of your job search, you have to spin things positively when it comes to the application process. No matter how hassled you are by the constant cycle of interviews and rejections, you can’t let the interviewer know that. Speaking negatively about yourself or why you’re looking for a new job can be an automatic no for employers who don’t want to hire people they perceive as being difficult or whiny. Even if self-deprecating humour is your thing in social situations, it’s best to give it a miss during job interviews and convey a positive attitude instead.
Avoid filler words
Um, uh, like, actually, you know… If your speech is usually littered with filler words like these, you might want to practice your communication skills before you head into a job interview. There’s nothing that can make a hiring manager cringe more than overused fillers and slang words. Stick to a more professional vocabulary and complete sentences with correct grammar as far as possible. This is applicable not just to your interview but your cover letter, resume, and all your email communication with the HR of your potential employer. If you don’t have good business communication skills, you’re not going to be the top candidate for a job.
Don’t badmouth or bargain
Just like you should avoid speaking ill of yourself, it’s best to do the same about others during your job interview. Complaining about your previous employer or colleagues, denigrating the competition or even lamenting about unfair salaries are things you should strictly avoid during a job interview. Your interview is not just a formality, it’s also an opportunity for the employer or HR manager to see whether you’re a good fit for the company. Using it as a platform to negotiate time off, especially before you’ve got the job, will definitely not work in your favour.
Think it through
Nailing a job interview will take more effort and consideration than shortlisting one of the PGs in Bangalore for your accommodation. So, when you’re asked a question by your interviewer, don’t be afraid to take your time and think your answer through. You don’t want to be caught off guard and blurt out something that will go against you. Take a few seconds to frame your response before you start speaking. This will help you reduce the number of fillers you use and also help you calm down if you’re feeling nervous.
With these pointers, you should know exactly what you should avoid saying during a job search and how you can level up your interview game. Trust us, these tips will ensure you can avoid any gaffes and make the best possible impression on your interviewers. So, put them into practice and we wish you good luck for the future!