Music is one of the most popular types of online content. The data published by Nielsen shows that the US internet users streamed 611 billion songs in 2018. The same report indicates that the popularity of music streaming services rose per 23% last year, compared to 2017. The launch of Apple Music and YouTube music app contributed to this growth as well.
However, music lovers in some countries still can’t enjoy those streaming services due to location restrictions. In this guide, we’ll show how people can access those platforms from anywhere in the world.
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How to Know If You Can Use a Streaming Service
If you try to sign up for the YouTube music app or Apple Music, you might see a notification that the service isn’t available in your country. This means that your country still isn’t on the list of areas where these two platforms are available.
You can see the list of countries where Apple Music is available on Apple’s website, and YouTube Music app availability can be found on Google’s website.
If you can’t access these services, it’s time to start using a virtual private network (VPN). In a nutshell, it will make your device look as if it’s somewhere in the US. As a result, you’ll be able to access all streaming services without any problem.
Finding the Right Provider
First thing you need to know about is that some VPN providers offer their services for free, while others charge you a few dollars a month. The latter has proven to be a lot more reliable than the former.
If an internet user goes for the free option, there’s a risk that their personal data might become available to third parties. If you get a service for free, it means you are the product. Free VPN providers often sell all the data they have about their users to advertisers or any company that’s willing to pay for it.
Paid VPN provider like NordVPN don’t need to sell their users’ data or reveal it to advertisers in any sort of way. When you’re looking for the best one, pay attention to their security features. It’s important to find a provider that ensures strong encryption and a variety of responsive servers. That way, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll experience downtime or similar troubles when using a VPN.
Streaming Music with a VPN
First of all, you will need to download the streaming app. Let’s say you want to use YouTube Music – if you’re outside the particular list of countries, you will most likely not be able to find it in the Play Store. Good news is, you can use your VPN ( to change your location on the app store. Just follow this guide, and you should be able to browse US content in no time.
After you downloaded and installed Youtube Music, you must make sure to keep your VPN app on and set to the US. You should be able to stream music without any issues.
VPN services are useful not only for unlocking geo-blocked content. They are great for ensuring online safety and anonymity. That app that’s not available in your region might be available from third-party websites, but at what cost? It could be infected with malware and viruses, causing your device to lag or your data to be stolen. A VPN lets you have the same experience as people from other countries without the added threats of unsecured websites.
So as you can see, if you like music but don’t live in the US, it’s not the end of the world. Of course, there are other ways to stream music and videos. But if you are traveling or have moved abroad, and still want to access the content you got used to at home – why restrict yourself? Use a VPN and enjoy your music wherever you are.
It may seem like a lot of work at first. However, once you set everything up, you’ll see that the effort wasn’t in vain. Thanks to VPN, millions of people around the globe can access the content that they want and stay safe while doing it.