Did you know the Polish passport is considered one of the most powerful passports in the whole world? As an international travel document, it allows an individual to visit more than 180 countries without any visa restrictions. We have to say that Poles do not have many reasons to complain about and that’s what we would like to focus on in today’s article. Check who can apply for a Polish passport, and what conditions have to be met!
Can a foreigner get a Polish passport?
The Polish passport is a great document to have not only because of the fact it allows citizens to travel with no restrictions. It is good to know that a passport automatically makes them European citizens and gives them access to the international job market or public universities. Moreover, a valid passport may also serve as proof of an individual’s citizenship.
We decided to mention it for a reason. The Polish legal regulations clearly define who can apply for a passport in Poland. As you may probably know, the passport application only concerns fully-fledged citizens. By saying that, we mean the ones who obtained citizenship via the right of the blood or by naturalization. These are the common ways of acquiring Polish citizenship but not the only ones.
According to the Act on Polish citizenship, an individual can also become a citizen of Poland by descent, naturalization, or adoption. So, if you have strong connections with our country (e.g. you run a business here and speak the Polish language) or have at least one Polish ancestor, you need to prove your eligibility for Polish citizenship by descent and lodge an official motion. Once the outcome is positive, you are ready to have a Polish passport too.
If you are still not sure whether a foreigner can take part in the passport application process, the answer is simple – yes, he can but needs to obtain citizenship first. You will find more at https://fivetoeurope.com/.
How to apply for a passport in Poland?
As we mentioned above, each citizen of Poland has the right to get a new passport and use it whenever it is convenient or required. Keep in mind that there are still a few more steps to take before you plan your next trip.
To apply for a passport, you need to possess these documents:
- Polish citizenship confirmation,
- Polish birth certificate,
- Polish marriage certificate (if applicable),
- PESEL number (in case of first passport application you will apply for it along with your first Polish passport)
- Polish passport application,
- passport photo.
The application has to be filled in Polish, and it is also required to pay a fee. You can make a bank transfer, but if you decide to choose this option, do not forget to bring the confirmation of payment or pay the fee at the spot. Is there anything else you should know? For sure! As a Polish citizen, you have to submit the Polish passport application at the Polish Consulate or General Polish Embassy with the consular section. The new passports are biometric which means you cannot do it remotely. It is crucial to leave your fingerprints.
How long does it take to get a passport in Poland?
The process of Polish passport application usually takes around one ro two months. At that point, all you need to do is wait for an international travel document to be issued and think about all the benefits coming along with that. The Polish passport is valid for ten years! We are pretty sure you have enough time to finally use it the way you would like to. Regardless of the fact you wanna move to Italy or study in France, now you can start chasing your dreams!
Once you have citizenship confirmed and a passport issued, you gain the rights and duties associated with dual citizenship. For example, you can use the passport you find more convenient in a particular situation or just pass citizenship to your kids which results in receiving equal rights. A list of benefits is way longer though!