Many people have heard of divorce. There’s uncontested and contested divorce. Divorces can take a long time, and they’re usually extremely detailed. Then you have annulments. Annulments are a lot different than a standard divorce according to this site (, and in this guide we’re going to explain the difference between the two for you, as well as give you some advice on how to file for them.
What A Divorce Really Is
A divorce is also known as a dissolution of marriage. It’s when two parties return to single status and can remarry. An annulment however, is a special formulated divorce where certain rules must follow. There are things like time limits involved, and most of the time, they’re handled on a case by case basis.
Some Special Cases that Allow Annulment
When it comes to properly getting an annulment, there are certain grounds that are pretty common, which can result in a proper annulment being granted:
- The Act of Bigamy
If either party was married to another person at the time of marriage and bigamy is illegal in that state. - Someone Forces You
Forced consent means one party was forced or threatened into marriage and only agreed to it for their safety. - Fraudulent Marriage
If one of the spouses agrees to the marriage based on lies that the other one gave them. - Marriage that is Illegal
Incest is illegal in the US. Therefore, if two marriage parties are related this can be annulled. - Mental Illness
If any spouse was suffering a mental illness when they were married. - Mentally Incapable
If any spouse was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, this can even be grounds for annulment. - Didn’t Consummate the Marriage
If either party did not have sexual relations and was incapable of consummating the marriage - Juvenile Marriage
If either party was too young and got married without the parent’s consent or court approval, this is grounds. And it’s illegal.
Annulments are difficult, but they’re not as complicated as a typical divorce case. If you find that you’re in need of an annulment and meet the above requirements, you might be able to have a speedy dissolution of marriage. Most of the time, these shortly follow the marriage itself though (if you spend 20 years with your spouse, you probably have to get a divorce and not an annulment).
What About a Divorce?
Most of the time, when it comes to divorce, there are a lot of factors considered. The easiest divorce is considered a no-fault divorce, also known as an uncontested divorce. In most cases though, any assets, and debts are handled, as well as consideration if the divorce involves children or not. Most states offer uncontested divorce as an option, no matter what, and recommends these dissolutions as much as possible, as you should be able to be civil to each other, as compared to the latter.
A contested divorce, also known as a fault divorce is a contested divorce when the accusing party can prove things that are considered major grounds in which the divorce can be granted. Sometimes, when this comes to children being involved, not only is the divorce granted, but the custody of the children is also granted almost automatically to the accuser as long as it’s in the child’s better interest. This can be adultery, desertion, abuse, and others (like drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and more).
Divorces usually have a lower cost when it comes to actually filing, but in general, you usually also have to incur or share things like court costs, lawyer’s fees, finalizing costs, and if it’s a contested divorce, you have a lot of other issues that you have to deal with. Not only that, but things are a lot more difficult when it comes to having children with the person that you’re with. You have parenting plans, important aspects like child support decisions, custody, and more.
That’s why courts try to see if they can help you get an uncontested divorce, as even though there are a lot of things that can factor into this, when you have an uncontested divorce, the process is a lot smoother. One thing you’ll notice is that most divorces take a lot longer (up to about a year) after they’ve been decided on to even get finalized.
If you are considering a dissolution of marriage of any kind, maybe you should check to see whether an annulment or a divorce is the better option for you. You want to be sure to check into the laws at least briefly in the state that you’re in to see which one you qualify for.