Implantation bleeding is the bleeding that occurs and experienced by females when the attachment of the fertilized egg is undergoing the uterus lining. This is an essentially natural process that occurs in females to make the ovum mature for the successful fertilization process. Once the egg is attached to the lining of the uterus, then only can it start its growth.
For the reproduction process, say a woman is trying to get pregnant. The sexual intercourse has been adequately completed, and now it is time to wait. At this stage, the woman is probably seeking any sign she can to confirm her pregnancy. Then, it turns out that the symptoms of bleeding are detected. Usually, the woman feels dejected as she thinks that the Period is on its way. An upcoming period means that the woman is in no way pregnant. However, deducing that one is not pregnant only by spotting may not be accurate. The bleeding can be a result of the implantation as well, which essentially means that the pregnancy is right in its course.
Implantation Bleeding – Occurrence
One of the most frequently asked question in this context is when does implantation bleeding occur? The process of implantation, as already stated, is the process of the implantation of the mature egg in the lining of the uterus. This is done to enable the growth of the fertilized egg. When this happens, the lining of the uterus gets ruptured a little, which in turn can cause the bleeding. However, not every woman experience implantation bleeding. About 33% of pregnant women have reported that they have experienced implantation bleeding.
The process is normal, and there is nothing to worry or fear about. Implantation bleeding does not harm the body in any way. There is no need for any treatment for this bleeding either. The confusing part about the bleeding from implantation is that it is often mistaken with an early period. This is because the occurrence of the implantation bleeding is very close to the menstruation cycle.
Implantation Bleeding – The Signs & Symptoms and How to Identify Them
There are various signs and symptoms to identify the bleeding occurring from implantation. Some of the first signs of implantation bleeding are given below.
- A spotting or a pinkish, reddish, or brownish discharge is noticed
- Cramping of the stomach may start with a light and mild intensity
- Mood swings are frequent during implantation bleeding
- Most of the women undergoing implantation bleeding experience headaches of slight severity as well
The most confusing thing that a woman can suffer in this situation is not to be able to identify whether the bleeding was from implantation, or was it from Period. A lot of women try to check their body to detect any early signs regularly. The underwear gets regularly checked for spots, and the breasts can also be checked to see whether they are gaining tenderness or not. However, even then, one cannot say with a hundred percent accuracy whether the bleeding was from Period or implantation.
Implantation Bleeding & Period
As previously stated, the bleeding from menstruation and implantation can be very much confusing. A woman who is undergoing bleeding from either of the cases will not be able to differentiate herself. However, there are a lot of important and essential differences between the two. Having proper knowledge about it can help you with the identification of pregnancy in a more natural way.
A lot of women get worried about their condition when they undergo implantation bleeding. As previously stated, this process is a standard procedure that the body has to undergo. It has no adverse health impacts on the body, and no treatments are needed at all. There are no risks of implantation bleeding affecting the formation of the baby in any way. This is because the implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of the proof of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman undergoing the pain of implantation does not need to be worried about it all.
It is, however, worth mentioning that only the implantation bleeding is of no risk. If a woman is also experiencing other signs and symptoms which are abrupt or abnormal, then they need to be careful about it. Symptoms such as excessive dizziness, continuous vomiting, feeling of nausea or having severe pain in the lower abdominal region are all signs of some other disorder. In case any such symptoms occur, the woman should immediately visit a doctor to identify the cause correctly and get the treatment right away. There can be extreme cases where women may be undergoing ectopic pregnancy. If not treated on time, the woman can suffer fatal damage, and her fertility can get affected as well.
Various medical experts have given different results and explanations regarding how the implantation bleeding can be differentiated from the periods. The spotting can mean pregnancy, or it can only mean that the new period cycle is starting. In any way, it is advised not to react quickly and take up a decision. Instead, one must assess all the signs and evidence they have, and wait until a definite conclusion can be reached.
The implantation of the fertilized egg occurs in the lining of the uterus to provide growth of the egg. This process usually takes up a period of 10 days to 14 days to start after the conception has been successful. During this implantation process, the uterine lining gets a lot of shed and tear, which in turn produces the bleeding.
What Are the Major Differences between Implantation Bleeding and Periods?
As already stated, it is very tough to differentiate between the bleeding during periods, bleeding while a woman is under pills for birth control and the bleeding during implantation. Also, the women who suffer from PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome can bleed in the same way, which makes the detection even more difficult. Is the spotting due to periods, or it is due to implantation? Initially, it can be impossible to tell.
In the words of the medical experts, the spotting that occurs from periods is likely to start with a brownish or wine-colored patch. With the start of the Period, this color is expected to change into bright red. However, a lot of experts have said that there is no way to differentiate between the two of them merely by observing with the eye.
One can get a pregnancy test done when in doubt to be cleared entirely about whether they are pregnant or not. However, there are specific hints about the implantation bleeding experience that women can feel in their bodies. Some of these symptoms are given below.
1. Cramping
It has been out that the nature of the cramps which are experienced by women while undergoing implantation bleeding and periods are slightly different. The cramps that are associated with the implantation bleeding are generally short-lived, and they are rarely intensive. However, it is also a matter of fact; the contraction of the uterus is different for each woman. Some women are known to experience cramps or severe intensity even with a little blood flow inside their uterus. Other women are known to not have any cramps even with more bleeding. Therefore, it is evident that the cramping and bleeding are subjective to each woman. However, a woman will know her body best. Therefore, if anything is experienced, which feels different and is comparatively lighter and short-lived with the menstrual cramps; the chances are that it is due to implantation bleeding.
2. Flow
The flow of the bleeding during implantation can also vary a lot from the usual bleeding during menstruation. The question is: can implantation bleeding be heavy? Yes, it can. However, it is not fixed for everyone, and different women can experience bleeding differently. Many women have reported that the implantation bleeding has been as heavy as the bleeding, which is generally experienced on the first day of the Period. The duration, however, is minimal. The heavy bleeding during the implantation lasts typically for only one or two days. It is usually followed by a feeling of nausea which stays for quite some time. Some women have also experienced the tenderness of their breasts. Often, at this time, women either feel that her Period is going to start, or she is becoming pregnant.
3. Consistency
There is a particular consistency of the bleeding pattern that is followed when any bleeding occurs. As for the menstrual cycles and the bleeding, which is associated with it, the blood flow is generally constant. The starting may show heavy bleeding, and then it dips a lot. After that, it slowly starts to increase again with the days. In the case of the implantation bleeding, the bleeding continues for a few days, and then it goes off. It can also be off for a few days and can start again for a few days later. Such a pattern of bleeding generally indicates that the cause is implantation.
4. Timing
The timing of the bleeding also varies in the menstrual cycle and implantation. In cases of menstruation, the bleeding is likely to occur steadily after day 14. In the case of implantation bleeding, the Period is generally captured at roughly 1o days after the start of ovulation. Similarly, the spotting of the pinkish color that appears on the day 26 or day 27 is probably due to menstruation. The one occurring on day 22 or day 23 approximately is more likely due to the implantation.
5. Color
In cases of the bleeding due to the menstrual cycle, the color of the blood is expected to be of a vibrant and bright shade of red. When it comes to the implantation bleeding, the color is more likely to be of a dark brownish or a pinkish texture.
6. Duration
If you are still in doubt of when does implantation bleeding occur, read on to find the answer. The bleeding, which is associated with implantation, mainly occurs when the fertilized egg gets fixed in the uterus. Since this process does not take up much time, the bleeding duration is also generally short-lived. The length of bleeding for implantation has been found out to be as low as a couple of hours to rise to a couple of days. The clots are also generally not found during the implantation bleeding. However, if the bleeding duration is long and the flow of the blood is constant, it is most certainly due to the menstruation cycle.
Sure Way to Deduce Implantation Bleeding
Even with all the signs and symptoms of bleeding, it can be tough to be sure whether a woman is pregnant or not. The only test which can confirm the results with one hundred percent accuracy is the pregnancy test. Even for the women who are pretty confident about undergoing implantation bleeding are advised to take a pregnancy test at home. However, they are encouraged to wait for at least three days before doing so. The three-day margin is essential as the pregnancy hormone is unlikely to be present in adequate amount before three days to give a positive result to the test. With a five day margin, the results can be even more prominent. However, it is unlikely that a woman will be willing to wait that long.
Many women are not even aware of the fact that implantation bleeding can occur when they get pregnant. For many, the idea is the bleeding is due to the Period, and everything is normal. For those who are not planning for pregnancy can get shocked with the results later.
There is no bar in taking a pregnancy test even if a woman is spotting. The bleeding and the spots have nothing to do with the choice or availability of taking a pregnancy test. It is advised to any women who have been recently active sexually without any protection or pills to go and check out for pregnancy. Any bleeding which may feel irregular may turn out to be the signs of early pregnancy.
It has been well noticed that when a period is missed, then only the occurrence of the implantation bleeding can take place. When a woman is tested positive for pregnancy, it means that the next Period will surely be missed. Even after then, some women have reported undergoing heavy bleeding, which is not related to implantation at all. This is nothing but the bleeding that occurs during the first trimester, which is experienced by some women in the early stages of the pregnancy. On a serious note, such conditions should be checked thoroughly. Additional bleeding can also occur if a woman is suffering from an ectopic pregnancy, or if the pregnancy is likely to fail. So, it is advisable to get tested for surety.
In any case, if a woman is undergoing excessive or abnormal bleeding of any kind, she should visit a doctor for emergency treatment as fast as possible. It may be nothing, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Can Implantation Bleeding Be Heavy?
The nature of the bleeding related to implantation is generally light. As stated previously, this is a standard procedure, and the bleeding only occurs when the implantation of the fertilized egg is being done in the lining of the uterus. With the implantation, the uterus lining ruptures, and it triggers the bleeding. The implantation bleeding mainly occurs between 6 days to 12 days after the implantation procedure is completed successfully.
An additional reason for the blood flow during implantation is that while the egg is being implanted, the blood vessels burst. These blood vessels are present in the lining of the uterus, and thus can aggravate the blood flow as well.
As already stated, the identification of the implantation bleeding from the regular bleeding of periods can be very hard. The primary symptoms of implantation bleeding are mild headaches, light cramps, slight nausea, tenderness of breast, and lower backaches. The main differences between the implantation bleeding and the menstrual bleeding have already been provided in detail in this article.
A common question asked regarding the implantation bleeding is can implantation bleeding be heavy or not. Generally, the implantation bleeding is light, and the duration is also not that long. However, it has been seen that women have also experienced massive bleeding during the implantation process. The cases are rare, but not absent. Even in heavy bleeding, the duration remains for a couple of days only. So, unless there is an underlying medical disorder, there is nothing to worry about.
Can Implantation Bleeding Be Red?
In general cases, the implantation bleeding is found to be of a color which is very much lighter than the blood discharged during menstruation. The menstruation blood is dark red, and the implantation bleeding lighter. So, usually, the blood released during implantation is not red. It can turn up into a rusty brown color to light pink shade.
Can Implantation Bleeding Cause Clots?
Clotting is generally associated with the heavy bleeding that is experienced during the menstrual cycle. Clots are not formed usually during implantation bleeding.
What Else Can It Be Other Than Implantation Bleeding?
Apart from implantation bleeding, the bleeding may be due to periods. It may also be caused due to any other disorder or recent injuries in the pelvic region. There are many causes other than implantation, which can generate bleeding. Some of them are-
- Bleeding Disorder – Disorders like von Willebrand disease and hemophilia can be the cause of excess bleeding.
- Cervical Infection – Infection in the cervix can also cause bleeding. Such infections are mainly transmitted sexually, like gonorrhea or chlamydia.
- Ectopic Pregnancy – Bleeding can also occur in this condition when the implantation of the fertilized egg takes place in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. This condition requires immediate medical treatment.
- Birth Control – IUD or intrauterine devices can also cause infections which may lead to bleeding. Additionally, birth control pills change the hormone levels in the body, which can also cause bleeding in certain conditions.
- Uterine Cancer – Bleeding can also be caused by uterine cancer, though this case is rare.
- Uterine Fibroids – These uterine growths are not cancerous, but can generate bleeding.
- Uterine Polyps – Uterine polyps can be formed due to the overgrowth of the cells of the uterus. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the uterine polyps can start bleeding.
Right Time to See a Doctor
It is always the correct choice to go and see a doctor after a woman experiences bleeding of any unusual kind. It is even more required when the bleedings have caused clots or have been massive. For pregnant women, light bleeding is just the implantation bleeding, and there is nothing to worry about. No treatments are required for such cases as well. One of the main symptoms of early pregnancy is implantation bleeding.
Reports say that additionally to the implantation bleeding, a percentage of women also face bleeding while being on their first trimester. This mainly occurs due to the development of the new blood vessels in the cervix, which provide additional support to the growth of the uterus required during the pregnancy period. However, as already stated before, there is no clear way to see and differentiate between implantation bleeding and bleeding due to menstruation. The only accurate way to find out is to perform a pregnancy test. Additionally, it is also advised to get the ultrasound tests and several blood tests done as well.
One of the earliest indicators that a woman is pregnant is implantation bleeding. There are no health impacts of implantation bleeding on the body. The bleeding is also usually light and lasts for a couple of days. Unless and until the woman has some underlying medical disorder, the bleeding will neither be heavy nor will it be of prolonged duration.
In any case, the women who are undergoing heavy bleeding, even if it is implantation bleeding should immediately visit doctors and get the proper treatment done. Remember, it is always better to get treatment in time, than to regret or suffer later.