It’s a perception that Dubai Investor Visa is too easy to get and everyone can get it by buying some property there. This concept isn’t true at all rather there are different requirements you have to fulfill to get your investor visa. In this article we are going to share the process in a simple way so you don’t have to proper knowledge about the investor visa policy and perform all tasks confidently no matter you hire a property agent or perform this process on your own.
Dubai Investor Visa- Condition 1
First of all, you must know the type of property and its worth. To get investor visa, the property worth must be AED 1M or more and it should be it habitable area. If the property is worth AED 1M or more, but it’s not completed yet, then the property isn’t eligible for applying property visa. Remember, AED 1M should be the purchase value of the property, not the current market value.
The acceptable types of property include apartments, services houses, hotel rooms, warehouses, office, townhouses, and hotel apartments. However, if these properties are on leased and you don’t have a title deed, then you can’t apply for the investor visa. The property should present in freehold area. Off-plan property and disputed property also don’t qualify for the investor visa.
If the property isn’t on your name and it’s on your spouse’s name, then the investor visa will be granted to your spouse. In the case of joint ownership, your share must be equal to or more than AED 1M.
Dubai Investor Visa- Condition 2
The second condition is briefly discussed in the first condition, but it’s necessary to mention all points clearly so there left no confusion. There are three rules for a property to fulfill mentioned-below:
Freehold: It’s a must condition that is necessary to accomplish. No matter what your property type, it must be freehold.
Ready Property: No visa is granted on an off-plan property. Your property must be ready so investigate it properly before making a deal.
Habitable: The property should be situated in habitable area and condition. An unsafe property can’t help you get investor visa.
Dubai Investor Visa- Condition 3
You must know different types of visas available in Dubai as there are three different types of visas available.
Six Months Visa: This visa is issued to tourists and easily available for everyone. No medical is required while the fee and terms are quite easy for this.
Three Years Visa Three years property visa gives you various benefits of Emirates citizenship and the via is issued for three years. You need to renew the visa after three years as it expires after that time interval.
Five Years Visa: This visa is specifically issued to investors. However, the investor must has invested AED 5M in Dubai and all properties must be freehold.
Dubai Investor Visa- Condition 4
Price of the visas is another important factor that you can’t ignore. The price of six-month visa is around AED 2, 000 while the three years property visa fee is approximately AED 15, 000. Remember, you can’t start a job on Dubai investor visa and if you want to do so, then the visa status will be changed and the company you are going to work with must give you sponsor visa.
Dubai Property Visa- Condition 5
Submission of some important documents is mandatory for you when applying for an investor visa. Here is the list of documents required for investor visa:
- Original title deed
- Good Conduct Certificate from Dubai Police
- Current Visa Copy
- 1x Passport Size Copy
- NOC from Developer
Process of Getting Dubai Investor Visa
On the above section of the article, I have mentioned all the requirements for all three types of investors visa. If you meet all the conditions, then read further to know more about the Dubai Investor Visa.
1. Six Month Dubai Investor Visa
First of all, you need NOC from the developer. Contact them and inform them of the motive behind it as the terms and conditions and cost of NOC from one developer to another.
After getting NOC apply for the Good Conduct Certificate which is issued by the Dubai Police. You can apply online or visit the nearest police station to get the certificate. The fee of the certificate is AED 220. The next step is visiting the GDRFA and submit these documents there. They will assist you further and will let you know about the process. The confirmation is done via an email that you receive within a couple of days.
2. Three Years Dubai Investor Visa
Unlike the six-month visa, obtaining three-year visa isn’t very easy. Multiple departments are involved in this process which make the procedure complex.
The process starts from visiting the Dubai Land Department and asking them to give you a reference letter that you will submit to Dubai Police and they will grant you character certificate in return. After getting character certificate, visit the DLD again and submit all required documents. It will take 8 days to get confirmation email from DLD once your all documents are submitted.
After getting the confirmation email, you will get a license within 4-5 working days. Now, submit the title deed to Dubai Land Department and wait for their message. Collect the new deed once you receive the title deed from Dubai Land Department.
3. Five Years Dubai Visa
Five-year investor visa doesn’t require any complex process to fulfill. It requires just a few steps to follow:
- Keep all the required documents with you and visit the DLD for the submission.
- Apply for the five-year visa and let them check the documents.
- Once they will verify all the documents, they will grant you investor visa within a few days.
I have tried to explain each and every point in a simple way so you don’t have to invest time in deciphering the complex information and technical terms. If you have further queries about Dubai Investor Visa, visit