A mompreneur is an industrious woman who takes on the full time job of raising children while
running a business at the same time. She takes on two BIG jobs—as a mother and a business
Are you a mompreneur? Are you an aspiring mompreneur? How can you balance family and business?
The business world is having more of moms nowadays. In this article and the following
infographic, we will discuss 8 essential tips that can help existing and prospective mompreneurs
to achieve a perfect balance between family life and their business so t
hat both will move
successfully without stress on either.
These tips can help anyone to improve the
ir productivity in all aspects of life, but most
particularly, they are for moms who do not want their business to affect their family or the other
way round. Family Orbit has published an Infographic on the same matter you may wish to
1. Keep To A Strict Schedule: Always have a daily schedule and stick to it. As early as
possible, map out time that would be adequate for every activities intended for the day.
From spending time with kids, to phone calls, and so on.
2. Set up a Dedicated Work Space: Have a corner, a room, or a basement in your house
or apartment where all your business activities will take place. You should not move
business and mingle it with “house”. You can call that your “home office” or “work zone”
if you like. This will help you keep track of all business related matters.
3. Use Time Management Apps: The internet contains a lot of time management apps
that can help you track how much time you spend in relation to how much time you
allotted to each domestic or business task. Several apps you can use include Rescue
Time; Remember the Milk, Focus Rooster, etc.
4. Consider Outsourcing: Sometimes, trying to do everything yourself will bring you
stress. Try to find a third-party to help you with jobs such as SEO content writing,
business accounts keeping, and so on. This will help you to keep to time.
5. Learn To Say “NO”: A wise man said, “If we stand up to everything, there will soon be
nothing left to stand for.” Some clients or customers can bring you offers that will likely
eat away your time or bite in to your schedule. It’s okay to refuse or offer to complete the
job at a more convenient date.
6. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help: There will be times when things happen and your
job still takes much of your time and you will get stressed because you are looking after
your kids as well. If you want to focus on something in your business, ask a friend or
some relative to look after your children for a few hours while you work.
7. Take A Full Day Off At Least Once A Week: Give yourself a full 24 hour treat off
work. Don’t do anything related to business. Just relax and have a good time with your
family for a full day.
8. Be Kind to Yourself: Always be realistic. Know that it’s not possible to do everything.
You’re only human. Sometimes you might need to skip other activities so that you can
spend time with your family—and that’s okay! You should set priorities and focus on
them. See anything else as a bonus.
These tips are essentially useful if you really want to be happy doing two fulltime jobs at the
same time while still being human.