At least 50 percent of small businesses operate from home.
If you do not wish to be part of this statistic and want to rent a commercial property there are a few things that you need to know.
In order to make sure that you get the best deal on your lease you have to be knowledgeable about how leases work. You also need to know what is expected of you and what is expected of the person you lease the property from.
Here are four tips for successfully completing your first commercial lease application.
1. Find Out The Age of the Building
The age of the building is very important since this will let you know how much renovation may be needed while you are leasing the property.
Simply put, a newer building is likely to require fewer upgrades. Several upgrades to a building that you are leasing means that there may be an increase in rent and maintenance fees.
2. Will You Be Able to Make Tenant Build-Outs
When you lease a space for your office it is likely that you will want to customize it so that it reflects the image that you want for your business. This is one of the most important questions you should ask while taking a tour of the space.
The last thing you want is to sign a lease agreement and then find out that you can’t modify anything.
3. How Will An Increase in Rent Be Calculated?
As discussed earlier, the age of the building can affect rent escalations. However, even when the building is new there is usually a clause in the lease that speaks to rent increases.
The clause may say that the rent can increase at specific periods or it may increase due to specific circumstances. Whatever the reason make sure you fully understand and can live with the changes.
4. How Can You Use Your Signs?
When you lease an office space, such as those found in the North Houston Development it is inevitable that you are going to need to use signs to identify and direct people to your business when they enter the building.
It is for this reason that you need to ask what type of signage you can use as well the size that is permitted. You will also want to find out the locations in which you can put the signs.
Take a look around and make sure that your business will be promoted as equally as the other businesses in the building. You want to make sure that your advertising and marketing goals are not compromised.
A Final Look at Commercial Lease Applications
Commercial lease applications are necessary if you want to lease office space to run your business. There is a lot to consider when you decide to lease a commercial property.
Make sure that you understand everything before you sign off on any agreement. You don’t want to find yourself bound to an agreement that will not suit the growth of your business.
If you would like more helpful tips, please visit the business section of our blog.