The health crisis looked after from the COVID-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the Sars-Cov2 coronavirus. It has transformed the way we interact. In this new scenario, which directly affects the National Health System. The adoption of digital solutions is requiring to address the management of patients in a secure and straightforward electronic way. It is reducing the demand for professionals and delays in healthcare. Especially for the management of chronic diseases. Do you know Telemedicine is a successful model ?
Telemedicine has proven to be an ideal digital tool for patient management, reducing face-to-face visits to the healthcare system. It helps to facilitating the monitoring of their pathologies. Besides it reducing the probability of Sars-Cov2 infections among healthcare personnel and patients. To share essential aspects of telemedicine. Some digital platforms used in clinical practice and success stories. The Virtual Summit held with medical specialists “Telemedicine: an opportunity in the days of COVID-19”, organised by Gilead Sciences.
Dr Javier Crespo, of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla of Santander, explained that telemedicine has been used for a long time and in different fields. But has acquired its peak in the current pandemic. It is showing as a handy tool to overcome barriers that are not always related to physical distance. But other social factors. Telemedicine has already proven to be a helpful tool in circumstances. Where face-to-face interaction becomes exhausting. Thus, he commented that it is using for a long time in prison settings. Where it allows more agile handling of inmate patients since it is possible to attend to them without needing to leave the prison.
The same occurs with people who have a non-custodial sentence and are in a social integration centre. Although they live and sleep at home, they are more vulnerable patients, with possible chronic mental disorders. That are often disabling, drug addiction, deficient sociocultural level, etc. It is also used successfully for inflammatory bowel disease. A chronic bowel disease that requires long-term treatment and monitoring of any adverse effects that may appear.
Also, telemedicine is associated with telepharmacy. That is, the administration of the drug. Which has to be prescribed and dispensed in the hospital, becomes an electronic prescription. The hospital delivers the medication to the patient’s home. In this way, if the subject does not have other complications, it will not be necessary to go to the health centre.
On the other hand, “a study is currently being carried out to determine the prevalence of COVID-19 among the general population and in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. As it is difficult to go to the hospital in a period of confinement, telemedicine overcomes this distance ”, indicated Javier Crespo during the Virtual Summit.
According to Dr José Castellote, from the Bellvitge University Hospital in Barcelona, “telematic consultations will form the main part of our medical practice even though there are potential resistances to change. Although its implementation and use are still insufficient. ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) offer us potent tools for this. We must lay the client at the centre of the system and use these 2.0 consultations. Which speed up diagnoses, decision-making, treatment and reduce the costs of Primary Care.
It is also confirmed by Dr Crespo, “ digital health is here to stay. With the current health crisis, it has been a relief and a very beneficial and satisfactory form of treatment ”, even so, he continues, “. There is no need to be afraid to go to the hospital if necessary since all the necessary measures implemented to guarantee safety. The circuits for patients with COVID-19 are different ”.
Throughout the day the SARA network (System of Applications and Networks for Administrations), a Spanish public network, of high speed and end-to-end encryption, with which open centres can share documents, was also explained. Such as, for example, the electronic history of patients, without any possibility of information leakage. This meeting has reflected the large number of good telemedicine practices that exist in Spain, has sought to highlight it and emphasise that it is necessary to make a leap in quality and apply it to ordinary consultations with patients, ” concluded the moderator of the day.
Final word on the telemedicine is a successful model
The Virtual Summit “Telemedicine: an opportunity in times of COVID-19” moderated by Dr. Javier Crespo , from the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Santander; and it has had the participation of Dr. Miguel Mateo , from the José del Hierro Social Insertion Center in Santander; the Dr. Susana Llerena. , of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla of Santander; the Dr. José Castellote , of the University Hospital of Bellvitge of Barcelona; the Dr. Josep Mallolas , of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona; the Dr. Conrado Fernandez , of the Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón Madrid; and Dr. Magdalena Rueda , Gilead Sciences. You should spread this news Telemedicine is a successful model !