When you think of solar energy, you might assume that only residential properties use solar panels. But actually, commercial buildings can also take advantage of solar power.
So, what’s the difference between residential solar panels and commercial solar panels? Well, we’ll explain the contrasts in the information below. Continue reading to learn more.
Residential vs. Commercial Solar Panels: The Contrasts
Although residential solar panels and commercial solar panels are pretty much the same, there are a few key differences between the two. Here are the contrasts between each of them:
The installation process for commercial and residential solar panels is a bit different. The panels that go on top of commercial roofs are generally flat, which helps the installation process go smoother.
However, when it comes to installing solar energy panels on top of a commercial building, it can usually take up to a month to complete, whereas a home only takes about two days. Obviously, most commercial roofs are a lot bigger, and they require more attention to detail. So, if you are considering solar panels for your business, be prepared for a lengthy installation process.
In most cases, commercial solar panels are white, whereas residential panels are either black or white. For the most part, residential homeowners prefer black panels with a black backing, and commercial customers prefer black panels on top of a white backing.
However, the color that you choose boils down to personal preferences. The color of the panel doesn’t change how effective they are.
Of course, commercial roofs are a lot bigger, therefore they require larger solar panels. Residential panels usually consist of 72 cells and are about 65 inches by 39 inches.
On the other hand, panels for commercial buildings generally have 96 cells and are 78 inches by 39 inches.
Since commercial panels are more effective and they produce more power, residential property owners have the option to also use commercial panels on their homes, as long as they are okay with the size. It’s actually a smart idea to use commercial panels on a home.
As briefly stated above, commercial solar panels are more efficient than panels used on homes. They provide about 2% more solar power. Not only that, but commercial panels are more powerful because they’re larger.
Just keep in mind that installing commercial solar panels is more expensive. But ultimately, you’ll get more bang for your buck.
If you’re thinking about installing residential solar panels, check out this link: blueravensolar.com/blog/residential-solar-installation-cost/
Understanding the Difference Between Commercial and Residential Solar Panels
Hopefully the information above helped you understand the difference between residential solar panels and commercial solar panels. Essentially, both are used to help properties of all kinds have more energy efficiency. So, do you think you’ll install solar panels on your home or commercial building?
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