The law is multi-faceted. This means that there are different laws that apply to various issues all around us. For instance, we have defined regulations on estate management, divorce settlement, tort, insurance.As a result, you must understand the peculiarities of your legal situation when you need the services of a lawyer. This is important as it will help you seek the professional service of the right kind of lawyer. Read out Criminal Traffic Law Offences.
Now that you know this, we will be discussing some traffic laws. At various points, we will explain how criminal and traffic lawyers can help you with alleged criminal and traffic lawsuits filed against you.
What Is Traffic Law?
Traffic law is also known as traffic code. It is a set of rules and regulations set and enforced by regulatory bodies to ensure that all road users are safe and protected.
There are certain measures put in place for checks and balances to aid the monitoring of traffic activities for the sole purpose of ensuring road users adhere to the codes.
For instance, there are regular patrols and stationary posts for law enforcement agents to monitor road users. Also, technological advancement has helped with the use of specialized cameras that can monitor and track road users, including traffic offenders.
Furthermore, devices such as breathalyzers are used to determine the alcohol intake level of the driver and road users. All these and many more are used to ensure that our roads are safe and convenient for all.
Is a Violation of the Traffic Code a Criminal Offense?
Technically, violation of any institutionalized code of conduct is a crime. So, whether you assaulted a person, evaded tax, did not stop for a red light… you have committed a crime.
However, the term crime seems harsh and so violators of (especially light) traffic rules are termed as driving offenders, or guilty of driving infraction. Regardless of what it is called, violators of these rules have committed a crime in actual fact.
As a matter of fact, we have come to observe that a good number of traffic lawyers double as criminal lawyers. For example, it is not strange to see an attorney in Sydney practicing as a Sydney criminal and traffic law expert.
This only goes to prove the point that violators of traffic rules are perceived as people who have committed a crime.
Possible Violation of Traffic Code
Frankly, these rules and regulations are determined by the country or state. Therefore, you cannot use what is obtainable in a location as a yardstick for another location. On that note, you should be well aware of the legal peculiarities before driving in any location.
Some of the peculiarities can revolve around the acceptable speed limit, the place of vehicle insurance, transporting a pet or child, amongst other things.
However, we have discovered that some universal rules apply in many parts of the world. Some of them are listed and explained below:
There are restrictions on how much speed is allowed in many parts of the world. When the speed limit is violated, this constitutes a driving offense or infringement.
For the most part, the penalty for this violation is a ticket. However, some places can use stricter punishments for multiple-time offenders.
Also, there is the possibility of challenging a speed ticket if you are certain that it was wrongfully issued against you. To do this, you are not expected to challenge the law enforcement agents as that can further complicate the situation.
Rather, you are to consult your traffic attorney and explain the situation to him/her. This legal professional will then examine the situation to see whether you stand any chance of challenging the ticket.
Drinking Under the Influence
This offense or infringement is termed DUI for short. In most places, it is highly frowned at. This is because of the psychoactive effects of alcohol and drugs such as tobacco and cannabis.
The ability of these substances to impair one’s decisions can lead to terrible consequences for road users. So, it is not surprising that in many places the penalty is more than issuing a ticket.
It can end up with the offender having his/her license withdrawn. There is also the possibility of facing time behind bars for some of these offenders.
Given the severity of this offense in many parts, alleged offenders are not expected to make light of the situation. From the moment that allegation is made, they are supposed to reach out to their traffic lawyers.
This legal representative can help in a lot of ways. For instance, s/he can make a deal with the prosecutor, making sure that the case is settled out of court. If bail is involved, the size can be drastically reduced with his/her help.
By and large, going through this process with your attorney is the best decision.
Driving with no License, Expired, or Terminated License
This is equally a grievous offense in many parts of the world. For instance, offenders can pay as much as $3000 to $6000 for driving with a suspended or expired license in Sydney and many parts of Australia.
Additionally, the license will be further disqualified for a longer period of time. The situation is even worse for offenders that drive after having their license revoked. This can mean jail time depending on the record of the offender.
For more information about these penalties in Australia, you can visit:
If you are alleged to have committed this offense, you must hire a capable attorney as soon as possible. This is so that you do not end up on the wrong side of the law.
Also, we strongly advise that you do not deal with government-issued defense attorneys. This is so that you are guaranteed the best legal representation as these defense attorneys have so overwhelming workload and cannot offer too much to individuals.
Wrap Up
A good number of alleged traffic offenders make light of the legal implication of their actions. We strongly advise that you adhere to the traffic codes as it is better to avoid the penalties.
However, if you happen to have problems with law enforcement because you have or you are alleged to have violated traffic laws, you should consult a capable traffic lawyer.