As one of the most popular anabolic steroids out there, Winstrol is used less for bulking up and more for improving physique, strength and overall athletic performance. This product comes with another surprise that you might like. Namely, it is one of the few anabolics that can safely be used by women, although in lower doses. This article is about Winstrol Cycle – Everything You Need To Know.
Its positive effects have made it a highly popular choice among professional and competitive users. This is primarily due to the fact that it has proved to be one of the most effective cutting anabolics which leads to fast and amazing results. In fact, it is said that Winstrol can show improvement in as little as a few days.
Naturally, as with any other steroid, everything depends on how you cycle it. So, if you find that you might benefit from this product, then I suggest you take a quick detour to and learn how to make the best out of it. After all, results are what matters the most and you cannot get them if you don’t know how to use the drug. Once you learn that, I have no doubts that you will quickly enjoy all the advantages that come with Winny.
The first thing you need to learn when any drug is in question is how to take it. The same goes for Winstrol. This is one of the few anabolics that can be found in both oral and injectable forms. This means that you have the option of deciding which form of administration suits you best. It depends on your personal preferences.
However, keep in mind that the injection is known to cause some pain, but it might also be a bit more powerful. It is used once a day, intramuscularly. If you opt for the oral form, then you can take it twice a day. Both of these have their own benefits and it is up to you to decide which one works for you better. But, generally, the effects will remain the same.
Cycle Length
Due to its effect on cholesterol, Winstrol should not be used for more than 8 weeks. In fact, a usual cycle is between 6 and 8 weeks long. If you are only getting started, you shouldn’t exceed the 6-week period. This timeframe allows you to feel all the benefits that come with the product, while also reducing any health risks. In fact, a six-week cycle is the optimum choice even for more experienced, advanced users. Useful content.
Speaking of advanced users, I want to clear something up. If you are going through a longer stacked steroid cycle, then you should definitely not go wild with Winstrol. Feel free to use it for the first six weeks and then stop, while continuing with some other products of your choice. This is especially important for people who have cholesterol issues, since Winny can increase LDL, known as “bad cholesterol”.
Once again, the recommended dosage depends on your level of experience with anabolics. The usual dose is anywhere between 40mg and 80mg per day if you are using it orally. This can be increased to 100mg for an injectable. Nevertheless, it is best if you start with a lower dose early in your cycle and then reach your maximum comfortable amount, say, two weeks before the cycle ends.
I mentioned the maximum “comfortable” amount, which means that you need to observe how your body reacts and never increase the dosage if you notice some negative effects. There is one last thing I need to mention regarding this. Women should not go over 5mg per day, while carefully keeping track of any side-effects that might appear.
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Typical Cycles
Usually, using Winstrol alone is not a very popular option. This is because it might cause a suppression of testosterone. Those negative effects can be avoided by adding at least testosterone to the cycle. However, although it is not recommended for males, women can actually benefit from using this drug alone.
Beginners to Winny will probably go for the oral option. If you are in this group, make sure not to take more than 50mg on a daily basis. Better yet, start with 20mg, monitor your body’s reaction and then gradually increase the dosage if you find it necessary. This shouldn’t last more than 6 weeks. Don’t forget to stack it with testosterone ester.
More advanced users can go for any dose between 40mg and 80mg. Once again, don’t use it longer than 6 weeks. People who have been in this for a longer time usually stack Winstrol with Trenbolone, in order to achieve maximum fat loss, while keeping their muscles intact. The most experienced people can take up to 100mg of this steroid per day, in an injectable form, while including at least a testosterone steroid in the stack.