Social media is becoming increasingly popular these days. From updates about friends and family to the latest deals related to internet services like Spectrum Double Play , social media is an indispensable information source. With organizations of all sizes maintaining social media presences, schools are catching on too.
Here’s how schools could use social media to improve the educational experience:
Facebook is absolutely essential for every organization and individual these days. By maintaining a robust Facebook page, schools can change how they connect with stakeholders. Parents, teachers and students can all follow the school’s page and stay updated about events, deadlines, extracurricular activities, parent teacher meetings and athletic achievements. It’s an easy way to keep all stakeholders abreast of current happenings at the school. This is mainly because Facebook is used across almost all demographics so students, teachers and parents are using it for the most part.
Instagram is a very popular image sharing social platform. It gives a school the opportunity to show how great it is instead of just telling people. It is a mobile based app, allowing the school to upload images and videos of class activities, projects and school culture. It can be used to portray the right image of the school and can be used to bring people right into the classroom. Instagram can also be linked to Facebook, allowing schools to expand their audience simultaneously.
Pinterest is another great way to share visual information. It allows the school to share images that encourage interest in school activities. It also allows the school to share resources and information with parents and students for engagement. Pinterest is also good for getting visibility for schools by sharing fun images of class projects, artwork and scholastic achievements. It’s an effective way for schools to show who they are and what they offer.
Twitter is a popular platform for sharing information and ideas in 280 characters or less. This is especially efficient when communicating with parents or students. Students connecting on Twitter is a given, but it also has a use for teachers. Teachers can use it for development by engaging and sharing resources with teachers all over a world. This helps teaching patterns to evolve as times change and for new learning techniques to be implemented.
Linked in is more of a professional social platform than one oriented around informal or semi-formal engagements. It is useful for schools in recruitment procedures. LinkedIn allows schools to find suitable candidates for teaching, administration or other staff positions. LinkedIn also provides networking opportunities with other schools and academics. By building up a professional learning network, the school can share information and ideas with other schools and teachers. This helps schools stay updated on new teaching techniques, learning enhancement and management. A great way to learn, share and grow.
· Blogging
There are two advantages to a school of blogging regularly. Firstly, it allows engagement with parents and the wider community by humanizing various elements of the school. Blogs can be used to give readers an insight into the school and its workings. It’s great for communicating information that can’t be shared on other social platforms. The second advantage is that it helps with search engine rankings. Based on certain keywords and phrases, your school will gain visibility on searches on Google, Bing etc. This makes it easier for people to find the school and other relevant information through a search engine.
· Professional Learning Networks
Professional Learning Networks like are indispensable for schools these days. PLNs are management systems that allow people, content and school systems to integrate and connect. They allow teachers to post assignments and assessments, students to submit their assigned work, collaborative spaces for group work, social ‘walls’ for classrooms to post updates and share information between the people involved. They are also a way to ensure safe communication between teachers and students as well as share new ideas and insights between staff members. PLNs are usually simple enough to be used by parents and students but also sophisticated enough to let administrators control and fine tune the learning experience.
· YouTube
Having a YouTube channel can be understated at times, but its importance can’t be diminished. YouTube allows the school to share footage of events and happenings in an immersive way. YouTube is also a great way for teachers to share course material and video lectures with students. Once a lecture is recorded and uploaded, the link can be shared with students in that class so they can follow up on it. This greatly improves learning ability without having to manage remedial classes or extra tuition. There is also the very desirable chance of a school video going viral and getting visibility across multiple platforms. This is a chance to get the school into the limelight as a fun and inclusive center for education, whether in a limited community or a larger one.
Choosing a school is not as easy a choice as choosing internet service like Spectrum Packages. Parents want to be sure their children get the best education from the best schools in their area. That’s why it’s a good idea to be a school that accepts and integrates modern social interactions. It is also a good idea to do it in a way that is visible, transparent and fun. Hopefully this blog will have given you some insights on how to improve your school’s communication strategies.