When you create your website you do so with the intention that people will find it informative and stick around to read your content. Unfortunately, this plan may not always materialize.
You may instead experience a lot of bounce from your site. This means that people are not sticking around. This can be frustrating, to say the least.
If you find that you are experiencing this there are ways to reduce your bounce rate. Here is a look at some of your best options.
1. Make Sure Your Page Is Loading Fast
If you have a high bounce rate you may be thinking that there is something wrong with your content. While this may often be true, there are instances in which the bounce rate may be high simply because your website does not load fast enough.
In the world of the internet, the faster you can get your page to load the better off you will be. If you don’t show people what they want to see in a few seconds they will leave your website.
2. Make Your Content Pop
The content on your website should not look like content from a novel. You will need to make sure that it looks appealing to the reader. The best way to do this is to use appropriate headers when you can.
Make sure you place subheadings in different areas of the text as well. The next important step is to make sure that you have images.
Images help to make the text more engaging. Fit as many as you can into your content without overwhelming it.
Ensure that you have a clear call to action on your site. One thing you can also do is ask an anonymous question that is likely to pique the interest of the visitor, you can then use a multi-step form to hook them and get them to answer more questions.
In this way, you will gain a lead and gather valuable information about them. You can find out how to build multi step forms by searching online for information.
3. Watch Your Sidebar
Your sidebar may seem like a good place to put all your awards, product offers, or testimonials but often it isn’t. Be careful that you don’t distract your website visitors too much since this can annoy them and cause them to bounce from your website.
Sidebars show off a lot of information to viewers on desktop but bear in mind that most people are now browsing websites from their mobile. This means that information in the sidebar will be pushed to the bottom of the page. Most people will not even pay attention to them anyway.
4. Use Internal Links Sparingly to Reduce Your Bounce Rate
There is no denying that internal linking is a great way to expose your existing content to new visitors and are great for SEO.
However, overdoing internal linking is a sure-fire way to increase your bounce rate. Too many can irritate your reader and cause them to leave the page. The number of internal links you have should depend on the length of your content.
As a rule, avoid putting internal links in every paragraph you write.
Keep Your Traffic
Keeping your traffic is possible. You just have to make sure that anyone who visits your website has a good experience.
Once they do, it will significantly reduce your bounce rate. If you would like to learn more technology tips please visit the technology section of our website.