Did you know that there are over 85,000 Google searches a second? If someone is looking for keywords related to your business or profession, you want to be at the top. With the internet driving sales, even for brick and mortar stores, making SEO mistakes is not something you can afford to do.
For those who are newer to the world of SEO, you may not even be aware of why your site is struggling to gain hits and followers.
If you are unsure how to utilize an SEO best practice for your webpage or blog, this article will help. Continue reading for 5 common search engine optimization errors that will keep your page from being at the top of the pick during a search.
1. Don’t Stuff the Keywords
When the internet was newer, one way to guarantee that your page stayed near the top was to overstuff your articles with the same target keyword. Changes in algorithms have taught search engines to flag this and now stuffing the keywords can lower your rankings.
Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI is used now to spot words that are similar to one another, so stuffing your blog or webpage with the same keywords is no longer needed.
2. Using Duplicate Content
When the same content appears on multiple pages on your website, this is called duplicate content. You might think this is one of the many SEO tricks that could drive up your ranking. However, it confuses the search engine and none of the content will be shown in the results.
Checking to make sure that you only have one homepage is among the SEO tips that can keep duplicate content from ruining your ranking.
3. Forgetting the Older Content
If you’re blog or page is older, you might not have looked at your previous content for a while. With the changing in algorithms, it becomes important to update and change older content to include SEO material and keywords.
Hiring an SEO company could help with converting older articles and adding a fresh set of eyes. You can read more here if you need extra help.
4. Not Using Local SEO
Using local SEO is especially important for smaller businesses that don’t have a national need to be first. Targeting your local area as well as your specific business niche will help guide customers or readers to you.
5. Make SEO a Priority
Using a webpage to drum up business or have customers place orders may not include utilizing SEO as a top priority. If you are paying for internet space, you can and should do both. Adding articles that contain SEO content, as well as using it for your current customers will help in the long run.
Common SEO Mistakes Don’t Need to Be Yours
By avoiding these SEO mistakes in your everyday webpage use, you’ll soon find your site rising through the ranks of the search engines. As you implement these changes, enjoy confidence in your newly found SEO ranking and the business that it brings with it.
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