Coworking is a term that was introduced for the first time by Brian DeKoven in 1999. In the professional world, it means working together in a unified space. The concept is that some self-employed people, contractors, freelancers, and small businesses tend to work best while working in an environment which is conducive to creative energy, camaraderie, and productivity. It is regarded as an excellent way to meet like-minded entrepreneurs and business persons, interact with them, and bounce ideas off each other, while also being productive independently. Studies reveal that coworking is basically a more productive style of working as compared to working alone in an isolated space. This is because:
Emotional Recharge
With short breaks, workers can be more enlivened and more productive when they return to their projects. These breaks can be more satisfying when used for the purpose of meaningful interaction in a non-virtual way. This can be, for instance, in the form of:
- A yoga class during the lunch hour
- A massage trade
- A chat over a cup of coffee
Coworking spaces can offer the chance to recharge emotional health, which is as important for charging your mental health as it is for charging your PC, mobile phone, etc.
High Flexibility
As you develop your business, it will become extremely easy to scale a mutual office area. You may customize your contract to match the needs of your company, whether it is a one-person, two-person, or five-person business, or more. It is a gathering space which can usually accommodate as many as 14 people; or a larger conference space for a larger group. You can discover the benefits of stand-up working space, post box, telephone stalls, lounges, and more. In a common office, you can get a professional space in a core business area with day-in and day-out access to a fitness center, shopping boutiques, cafes or bistros, and transportation.
In the modern ambience, the personal and professional lives of employees are interconnected in a beautiful way while looking for purpose-driven activities. Coworking spaces offer the perfect playing space for establishing connections at every level. Some coworking spaces, such as SOMAcentral Coworking in San Francisco, even have a large dedicated space for events and the potential to bring professionals together around various interests. Like-minded business affiliates, collaborators, business partners, change makers, and entrepreneurs can connect with each other, exchange ideas, and form more fruitful spaces.
There is a sense of community in a coworking office area. This leads to some sense of belonging, which cannot be obtained from working at home or when working alone. Your coworkers can be your associates and friends. This is one of the biggest positives of a traditional office area. It also helps create opportunities to take part in various work related events.
Support at hand
With a coworking space, it is possible for employees to get real support, not virtual support for their projects and assistance for their immediate needs. Whether they need a second opinion on a piece of social media content, want to know how to compose a delicate email, or simply need a shoulder to cry on, they can get the same. Few things can be better than the assistance of a real human being. Coworking spaces provide workers with instant support, and they always feel that help is just a few feet away.
Few things can motivate focus and hard work better than watching other people, with a similar level of motivation, work on purpose-driven projects. Coworking spaces are magnets for digital nomads who are driven by a sense of purpose. Although it is often believed that coworking leads to procrastination, it actually helps to hold people accountable.
Ambient action
The activities, goings on, and motion around the space can be very stimulating and inspiring for changemakers and entrepreneurs who are like-minded, and the passion and zeal of one can inspire another. There is something very inspiring about the sight and sound of other people working nearby. It makes people happy and they can be more productive. Coworking spaces are, at the end of the day, more fun. These spaces address the needs of human beings for stimulation, community feeling, support, and interaction in a holistic manner. Once your needs are satisfied, you can focus all your positive energy on getting things done in the best possible way. This automatically improves productivity.
Work-life balance
When you are in a mutual office space, “All work no play” happens to be far away. Coworking spaces are good, as these promote the adjustment between life and work by offering chances to revive and de-push in the middle of a hectic day.
Other than weekly get-togethers, different types of health exercises and well-being activities are being held routinely for the benefit of individuals. Most of the shared workspaces have a dedicated area for some reflection and solitude for workers who need a short time and space for them to get some rest. This is a push for better harmony between personal and professional lives, and to help employees achieve more productivity.