If you run a business, you know about the importance of customer service. You know that stellar customer service can make or break a company. You know that entire companies have built a great reputation due to their customer service.
But how exactly can you improve customer service for your business? What can you do to ensure that your customers receive excellent service?
Offering great customer service is a challenge that causes many businesses to ultimately fail. But we want your company to stand out and be lauded for its stellar customer service.
This detailed guide will show you the best tips on how to improve customer service within your company.
The Only Guide You Need on How to Improve Customer Service
The first thing you should consider is setting up your customer service department. You should consider a 2nd line app so that you can have more than one number or a dedicated number for your customer service department.
You want to also invest in great customer service education, such as finding the right books so that your team can learn these skills. By constantly learning, your team will improve the overall customer service quality.
Here’s what else to know about how to improve customer service:
Manners and Niceties
You need to train your staff to always observe the right manners and niceties when speaking to a customer. They should always address the customer by their name. If you prefer a more formal outlook, you should use “Mr. and Ms.” or “Sir and Ma’am/Madam.”
You want to make sure your customer service agents know how to reassure a customer. Many times, when a customer gets in touch with an agent they will be frustrated, irritated, stressed, or even angry. Your agents need to know how to make the customer feel that their issue will be resolved smoothly.
Manners and niceties also include teaching your agents how to remain calm under pressure. They need to learn not to lose their patience or temper when dealing with a disgruntled customer.
Personalized and Regular Communiques
You want to make sure you regularly communicate with your customers. This makes them feel that they are receiving individual attention from your brand.
For example, when they order a product/service you want to send them an immediate thank-you email. Even if this has to be automated, you have to create a template that addresses the customer by their first name or formally (Mr/Ms and their surname).
You want to follow-up with them to ask if they are satisfied with the product/service. This shows that you are genuinely concerned about customer satisfaction, and not about making as many sales as possible.
Give the Customer Leeway
While you might have certain rules that a customer has to agree to if they engage with your brand, you want to give them leeway on occasion. While you do have to be careful with leeway and how much you offer, there’s no harm in giving it once in a while.
For example, if you ran a fast food restaurant and had a regular customer who always paid you might want to give them a free meal if they ever forget their wallet or have an issue with their credit card.
If you have strict rules about canceling a free trial, you might want to offer a refund for a customer who forgot to cancel their free trial before avoiding a charge.
While many brands are reluctant when it comes to giving customers leeway, this can cause your customer to gain respect for your brand. The customer who receives a refund even when they didn’t cancel their free trial on time might end up returning to your brand at a later stage when they are ready to pay.
Offer Rewards and Loyalty Bonuses
You want to make sure that you reward your loyal customers to show that you appreciate their continued patronage.
For example, you can offer a discount on a product or service once a year to your loyal customers. Or, if you ever have to raise your prices you can ensure your loyal customers that they will still only be required to pay the regular price and that the new pricing only applies to new customers.
You want to have a dedicated team within your customer service department that regularly checks up on your loyal customers. This can include asking them how they are feeling about a product/service. This can include wishing them a happy holidays or sending them exclusive offers, news, and other content from your brand.
When you please your loyal customers, this will work as a form of marketing. Your loyal customers will promote your brand to their network. Customers are always on the lookout for the best option. If you reward loyalty, then you can ensure that your brand will always remain the best option.
Offer a Variety of Customer Service Avenues
You want to make sure that you offer a variety of ways for your customers to get in touch with your brand. Apart from having the crucial phone line app that we discussed, you want to consider as many options as possible for customer service.
For example, you should always have an FAQ and Help Desk on your website. This will answer basic questions so that your customers don’t always have to depend on getting in touch with a customer service agent.
You want to have an email address that all your agents can access. This way emails can be answered promptly. If you can integrate a live chat option on your website, this is also a great option.
The more options you give your customers, the more at ease they will feel when engaging with your brand. If you have a few options, your customers might walk away from your brand no matter how good your products/services are.
Service Your Customers
Now that you know how to improve customer service for your brand, you can offer a better service for your customers. Make sure to share this guide with your fellow entrepreneurs.
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