Nowadays, most customers are aware of the availability of coupons, deals, and offers and they are always looking for them before making purchases. In the United States, for example, 96% of shoppers use coupons and discount deals.
So, whether you like it or not, coupons and discount deals are attractive to customers. Actually, a study by VoucherCloud shows that approximately 91% of first-time users return to the store on several occasions trying to locate the fair deal that they once enjoyed. The study further suggests that 57% of customers only make a purchase because of the existence of a fair deal. The biggest challenge in offering fair deals is attracting customers.
So, how do you offer coupons and deals and still double your sales?
- Promote Your Deals
Even though coupons and other fair deals are promotional themselves, you have to promote them so that they can reach the right customers. One way to do so is to post them on coupon sites like Since most shoppers who like saving visit such sites often, they are likely to come across the deals. You can also distribute them on social media, via print media, and through newspapers.
- Make Discounts the Center of Your Campaign
A recent study by indicates that 60% of shoppers prefer discount deals over offers like free gifts and rebates. This means that customers would rather go for a deal that requires them to pay less than what promises them value addition. All they want is a chance to retain money in their wallets.
- Build Loyalty
Past studies show that about 57% of customers will not hesitate to join a loyal program since they are guaranteed significant saving and 37% do it because of free stuff. Thus, if you want to retain the customers that you get, you have to give them a reason to be loyal. You can create referral offers, new subscription deals, gifts cards, and discount vouchers. The more the loyalty programs, the more attractive your brand becomes in the eyes of the customers.
- Time Your Deals
You have to match the offers that you give with a season. For example, you should offer discount codes and B1G1 (Buy-One-Get-One) deals when the season is low and free shipping when the season is high. All these offers will be able to encourage more purchases and this means more money coming your way. Additionally, you need to have holiday offers for special occasions like Black Friday, New Year, Christmas, and Easter. Once the customers know about these offers, they won’t hesitate to take advantage of them when the seasons arrive.
- Keep them Regular
You don’t have to give the same deals every week or every month. However, you can make them regular through diversification. For instance, you can give clearance deals at specific times of the year and have monthly deals for new arrivals. You can also have discount deals for end-of-month purchases and first-time coupons for new subscriptions.
- Share them Via Email
Lastly, a study by Technology Advice shows that the main reason why most customers subscribe to newsletters is that they want to be among the first people to know when fair deals are available. Thus, they open the email that you send with the hope of finding fair deals. In your weekly or monthly newsletters, you should learn to attach the offers so as to entice the customers to go back to your store to make purchases.
This year, your customers will be expecting coupons, discount deals, and promos from you. The more you are able to meet their expectations, the high likely you are able to double your sales.