What do you exactly mean by drip campaigns? Have you ever subscribed to a newsletter? If yes, you might have noticed that there is a number of emails sent to you after your subscription. For example, if you subscribe to a newsletter or an online bookstore, they send you a welcome email, emails about their new advancements and most importantly emails would be about the books they are publishing so that they can encourage you to buy them.
So, now we come to the point, drip campaigns are exactly the tool which helps marketers send emails to the customer automatically on the basis of choices they make over the Internet.
Building Drip Campaigns Step By Step:
In the given section, we shall discuss the various ways in which Snovio will help you send personalized email campaigns. Given below are the necessary steps that you must follow if you want to build the Drip campaigns in the best way.
Step 1. Start the email campaign creation
➢ Give the name to the campaign. Make it clear and easy-to-understand what this particular campaign aims to.
➢ Choose the email account to send the emails from (if you have multiple).
➢ What if the recipient has got a few emails? Which of the addresses will get the emails? All of them? Or only the first one? It’s up to you and you can choose out of two options.
➢ Don’t you want to send emails to the unverified email addresses? That’s OK, simply click the option and the emails won’t be sent to such emails.
Step 2. Delayed&triggered follow-ups
You have to make sure that the drip campaign always sends follow-ups after the triggers.
➢ Triggers are the things that customers do when they see the email from you in their inbox, for example, open the email or click the link inside it. So you have to make sure that the triggers are followed up. Set the triggers, define the time, and add the next emails to be sent.
➢ Set delays in order the clients do not receive emails from you right when they have performed a triggered action.
➢ Learn statistics and set the time correctly. There are two options: either in hours or in days. Choose the one which is the most appropriate to your mind.
➢ Choose the most appropriate trigger when you send the customer email for the second or third time and it would be better if the format differs.
Step 3. Create personalized emails
Try to send email drip campaigns that are personalized to make the emails special.
➢ Add a human touch to the email. When the email is personalized, it is more likely to be opened by the recipient and the click-through rate is higher as well as the reply rate.
➢ Personalize not only the subject line but the email body as well. You can type in not only first and last name but other options, too.
➢ Save the email templates for later, correct if necessary, and use for other email campaigns.
➢ Insert links and attach files up to 3 MB to provide clients with visualized valuable data.
Step 4. Connect the elements
The final step is to connect all the elements one by one to make the sequence work. Draw a line between two elements and click the Start button. The first email will be sent to the recipients, every next email will be automatically depending on the action they perform.
Step 5. Know the statistics
To be sure the campaign performs well, follow the stats: opens, clicks, and replies. You can see how many times a definite recipient has performed a definite action. What is more, you can add new people to the campaign and they will start getting emails. The campaign stops for the recipient when he or she replies to you.
Some Final Words
Therefore, it is crucial to know that with email drip campaigns, you always reach for customer satisfaction, their feedback and confirmation. We need to make sure that when we are reaching out to customers at a mass level, we do not miss customers that might require special treatment.
It is always important to make categories between your customers, you may wish to send offers and gifts to a particular group and not to others. In all this, an automatic system helps to make a healthy balance between firm and customers.